Saturday, November 6, 2010

Blog: Jeepers Creepers 2

Hello, there! Kimberly Kade here.

Have you seen the movie "Jeepers Creepers 2"?

It is such a creepy movie! And messed up. And freaky. And scary. And at some moments, I can't help myself from laughing.

I mean, the high schoolers were so stupid (then again, what character in a horror flick isn't?). Because, let's not be smart and get away from the demon-bat-crow thing. No, let's get up real close and personal with it so we can poke it. GAH!

One funny part, though, was when it was ticking off the kids one by one. Like, looking at them and shaking his head "no" to them or something.

So, he gets to the last kiddo in line and the batty-thing is pleased with the teen and it licks the window. It licks the window. Seriously, you wouldn't need to go to the car wash anymore. Just hold the teen on the inside and move him around. The bat's tongue will follow. And, voila!, clean vehicle.

Anyways, it was still a good movie. Great suspense throughout the entire film.

The ending was what made me... I don't know. It made me feel especially pleased with the movie.

But, "Jeepers Creepers 2" has made me officially decide that I am never living in the country-side. And April 1 through April 23, I'll be vacationing in Canada.

You should go and check it out, 'kay?


Friday, November 5, 2010

Makeup: Ke$ha Inspired

Hello, there! Kimberly Kade here.

So, I was watching Ke$ha's music video to "Take It Off". No, not the official one. The one she and her friends made. It's absolutely fantastic and so much better than the official one. This is the video I watched, you should go check it out:

While watching it, I got totally pumped up and excited and wanted to pretend like I was in the video. So, I grabbed my cheap makeup supplies and pulled this off:

So, I kind of messed up one side, but it doesn't matter. The place they were partying in? You wouldn't have noticed it. (I serisouly wish I could have partied with them... Oh, well.)

As you can see, for my eyes, I used the best pigmented colors I had (which is, like, nil) and those were purple, hot pink, bright yellow, dark blue, black, orange, and turquoise. Eyeliner (gel-liner, please) and mascara are a given.

For my eyebrows, I used black eyeshadow with an angled brush and created a different shape for my eyebrows (should I actually shape them this way? I'm considering it).

For my lips, which in real life are a lot brighter and redder, I used a bright red lip liner to shape and fill in my lips.

So, that's basically it. I'm actually pretty sporadic when it comes to creating makeup looks.

And I'm really influenced by what I see, which I don't think is abnormal. I mean, you look at a picture of a scrumptious looking hamburger and you will get slightest bit hungry, right? Right.

So, that's all for today. I think I'll try posting a "Favorites: Drugstore Items" thing. Yeah, that'll be okay.

(((Edit: I was annoyed with how the format of this turned out with medium sized pictures, but when I tried small, you couldn't see the makeup that well, so I made it medium, again. Just for you. Mwah!)))


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Makeup: Blue Butterfly Eye

Hello, there! Kimberly Kade, here.

So, I played around with makeup again...

And ended up with something I think was inspired from my Halloween costume (which was some sort of fairy-pixie-butterfly thing).

So, I won't do a tutorial because my makeup is completely off my face and I didn't even think of doing one! Until now, that is. Sigh.

But basically I used two cheap, mini-makeup palattes from Claire's (I don't have a job, so that means no money in the bank). Just the bright blue, the dark blue, and a turqouise. By the way, the pigmentation SUCKS. Not even primer can help. Should I put photos of them up? I guess.

Actually, no. Some other time. I'm too lazy and I still have two subjects of homework left. And I set my bed-time for 10PM.

But, yeah. I think I'll just leave it at that. What an amazing post! ... I'm kidding.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blog: Hello, there! I'm Kimberly Kade.

Hello, there! I'm Kimberly Kade.

Ah, lovin' how I sport the no-makeup look. Yum. (Ooh! Sarcasm!)

Well, even though I know how many beauty gurus are out there, I decided to try and become one myself. Just because it seems like fun and I love what they do.

Yes, I agree that I might be a little bit younger than them (try at least four years), but it's whatever, you know?

Anywho, just thought that it would be nice to post something. Even though I'm talking (typing?) to an empty audience, I feel pretty cool. How long shall that last, I wonder?
