Thursday, November 4, 2010

Makeup: Blue Butterfly Eye

Hello, there! Kimberly Kade, here.

So, I played around with makeup again...

And ended up with something I think was inspired from my Halloween costume (which was some sort of fairy-pixie-butterfly thing).

So, I won't do a tutorial because my makeup is completely off my face and I didn't even think of doing one! Until now, that is. Sigh.

But basically I used two cheap, mini-makeup palattes from Claire's (I don't have a job, so that means no money in the bank). Just the bright blue, the dark blue, and a turqouise. By the way, the pigmentation SUCKS. Not even primer can help. Should I put photos of them up? I guess.

Actually, no. Some other time. I'm too lazy and I still have two subjects of homework left. And I set my bed-time for 10PM.

But, yeah. I think I'll just leave it at that. What an amazing post! ... I'm kidding.


1 comment:

  1. So beautiful and fairy-like!!
    I love it! I think I am your first follower, haha!
